Sunday, April 6, 2014

10 best-selling smartphones in the world in February 2014

Best Selling List

The company issued a niche in the market of technical studies (Counterpoint) study of a new monthly for more than ten smart phones were sold on the world market during the month of February, the study showed control of all of Apple and Samsung in addition to the remarkable progress of the Chinese company Xiaomi.

Without any surprises was the Samsung phones and Apple in the foreground on the list of more than 10 smart phones were sold in global markets during the month of February 2014 , but also empty list of any mention of the phones other companies known as ( LG ) or ( Nokia ) and ( HTC ) and others, in contrast, was a surprise is the presence of the Chinese company Xiaomi in the list .

Among the most best-selling smartphones in the month of February, there IPhone iPhone 5S and 5C in addition to the Galaxy S4 and Knott 3

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