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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Google is secretly working on new batteries for our mobile devices

Batteries more autonomous, flexible, smaller: a grail that seeks to achieve the Mountain View company, which is working on several projects in parallel in his lab Google X.

Google X

This is the Wall Street Journal reveals: For more than two years, Google has set up a group in his lab Google X to work on new battery technologies for its devices. At its head, Dr. Ramesh Bhardwaj, expert in the field of rechargeable batteries, which has worked for Lockheed Martin and Apple.

Its working group within the lab would not be huge, with only four researchers. But its important mission when Google is increasing its initiatives in the hardware: the giant would have under the elbow at least twenty projects he hopes to make progress in this area. The Glass, for example, which were sealed by an average battery life, but also its autonomous cars, his robots ...

Dr. Ramesh Bhardwaj would advance on two fronts simultaneously: first, try to improve lithium-ion batteries, which currently equip our mobile devices. But he also plancherait on batteries of a new genre, solid electrolyte. No details of the technology he explores were provided, but it might remind one of Sakti3 in which Dyson has recently invested. Solid batteries have many advantages: it promise a higher density, finer and can even be flexible ... which would offer new opportunities for mobile and wearable. Bhardwaj goes even further still according to the WSJ, it was estimated that during a presentation that they could be implanted in the human body because much safer than current batteries

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Google Becomes Mobile Operator ... But Only The Nexus Should Benefit

The Mountain View company may launch its mobile phone service by the end of the month, but the offer is limited to the Nexus 6. At least at first.

It was initially a rumor, and Sundar Pichai took advantage of the Mobile World Congress to confirm that Google is trying to get along with mobile operator business. However, it stated that the goal of his group was more to show that some things were feasible - a perspective of particular technologies - rather than actually compete with stakeholders.

The Wall Street Journal has given new details about the project could be launched very soon, by the end of March. However, initially, only the Nexus range of smartphones are expected to benefit from this experiment, explain sources of the business daily. The restriction is even more important since it would seem that only the Nexus 6, designed by Google with Motorola Mobility, will benefit from this service. The Nexus 5, developed with LG being deemed too old, it seems. This limitation is also a way to limit the number of potential users to be able to prepare a progressive increase in the context of a first experiment. It may also be a way to encourage the sale of Nexus 6.

The challenge is to ensure that these smartphones are able to switch without interrupting the connection of a 3G antenna / 4G wireless access point, depending on the technology that provides the best flow. It seems that the ability to change the login fly requires a complex coordination of hardware and software sides of smartphones. Coordination would be more difficult to achieve with modified versions of Android, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Lollipop, the latest version of Android, is already able to choose which connection to use depending on the application seeking access to the Internet. For a video app, the Google OS will choose the network that provides the strongest signal, be it Wi-Fi or 3G / 4G. Whereas for a less greedy app, the OS may use less powerful signals, including Wi-Fi, to reduce costs.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Apple Watch: 5 Hours Of Autonomy, With Intensive Use

Apple Watch: 5 Hours Of Autonomy, With Intensive Use

Apple Watch

If Apple Watch should take a full day without recharging , Apple has managed to almost double the autonomy intensive mode, ie , playing with the device beyond any conventional passive use . About two hours on the first prototypes , we now reach the 5Hours on finalized version, which will be marketed in a few weeks . Another small detail gleaned here and there , the watch would possess 8GB of internal storage, even if Apple would offer several configurations for purchase. All this will be (or not) confirmed by the keynote on Monday night.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6

Samsung Galaxy S6

It has been many weeks since we only talking about the Samsung Galaxy S6. The rumors are rife in both its design as its components. But while some are having fun imagining the unit, the US mobile operator T-Mobile has decided to publish a photo of the back of the unit ...
Samsung Galaxy S6

It is through the Twitter account of the general manager of Samsung, John Legere the photo above was published. And if we can obviously unfortunate that the snapshot reveals that the slice, it still responds to a question that many fans were asking: yes, the Galaxy S6 visibly at least one curved edge - like the Galaxy unveiled Edge at IFA 2014 -. This shot also shows the power button - on the right side of the device - and the center button which, according to the latest rumors, incorporate a fingerprint reader.

We will not know more with this single photograph. Current rumors suggest a 5.1 inch AMOLED screen Quad HD (2560 x 1440 pixels), placing the Galaxy S6 in direct competition with LG and G3. Exit the Qualcomm chip, hello creating house Exynos? It will certainly expect the conference of the South Korean at the Mobile World Congress fair in Barcelona at the end of the week to be fixed.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Will.i.am Launches its Own Smartwatch without Smartphone

the known singer by his voice as much as its technology innovations : Will.i.am, the Black Eyed Peas star, had already developed under his name Foto.Socho a camera for iPhone. And the singer has the name of " Director of Creative Innovation" that gave it Intel. But with its smartwatch late last week on the set of the show Alan Carr : Chatty Man, on Channel 4, it goes into high gear.

will i.am smartwatch

Galaxy Ace Style: Samsung Renews its Mid-Range Smartphones

Samsung has just released the specifications of its midrange smartphone Galaxy Ace Style. Featuring a 4-inch screen, it encloses a lightweight configuration with a double heart 1.2GHz processor.

samsung ace